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The Mysticism of Small Things

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Joseph Bottum, The Mysticism of Small Things:
Even the smallest of things—a blade of grass, a word, an architectural ornament, the quickest glimpse of the face of a passerby—are singing hymns to the sheer fact of their creation. Being is a strange, deep kind of joy, argues Joseph Bottum in “The Mysticism of Small Things,” and the gratitude for existence is one of the fundamental modes of the world. The poet needs to hear it, the artist to see it, the architect to build from it, and all of us to participate in the particular and precise joy of small things.

Mr. Bottum is a widely published essayist and poet, with work in magazines and newspapers from the "Atlantic" to the "Wall Street Journal."  The former literary editor of the "Weekly Standard" and former editor in chief of the journal "First Things," he holds a Ph.D. in medieval philosophy and has done television commentary for networks from the BBC to EWTN, including appearances on NBC's Meet the Press and the PBS NewHour. He is the author of the bestselling Kindle Singles, from "The Gospel According to Tim" to "Dakota Christmas" (revised and expanded as part of his new seasonal volume, "The Christmas Plains".)  His most recent collection of poetry, "The Second Spring" contains poems arranged for traditional melodies.

Hosted and Co-Sponsored by
Hillsdale College's Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center
for Constitutional Studies & Citizenship
227 Massachusetts Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20002

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