What They Are Saying

The National Civic Art Society is doing essential work in restoring republican dignity and democratic purpose to public architecture and design in America.

— George Weigel, distinguished senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center

National Civic Art Society president Justin Shubow is “one of modern architecture’s biggest critics.”
— The New York Times

The new National World War I Memorial . . . finally opens this week not far from the White House. Its classical design . . . was thanks to a campaign by the National Civic Art Society’s Justin Shubow.
— The Architect's Newspaper

The Society led a six-year campaign against [Frank] Gehry’s Eisenhower memorial, which forced the architect to make some changes to his original design.
— NPR's "All Things Considered"

Kudos to the National Civic Art Society, the nonprofit think tank promoting architecture that evokes democratic Greece and republican Rome. It was the brains and spirit behind the Trump [Executive Order beautifying federal buildings]. It fights the good fight.
— Brian T. Allen in National Review magazine

The National Civic Art Society “has become a powerful voice against the fashionable postmodernism that, if unchecked, will wreck our civic landscape.”
— R.R. Reno, editor of First Things magazine

NCAS has shown itself to be a tenacious and effective advocate for beauty and common sense in the urban realm.
— Traditional Building

You have my genuine admiration for your work.
— Andrés Duany, architect and co-founder of the Congress for the New Urbanism

That is the most beautiful description of what we ought to be focused on regarding monuments and memorials that I’ve seen. In whatever future legislation we adopt, this ought to be the preamble of it.
— Rep. Tom McClintock responding to testimony National Civic Art Society president Justin Shubow to the U.S. House Subcommittee on Public Lands